Hello, I'm
a Front end Developer

My job is to create and develop creative and easy-to-use interfaces
for the user in web applications and systems, with a focus on optimal performance.
I'm creating this portfolio, follow me on github and linkedin to see step by step my
professional evolution as a front end developer.

About me

My name is Felipe Andrade, I'm a web programming student focused on front end development.

I am born in Brazil, I currently live in Lisbon-Portugal. I've been here in Lisbon for 5 years but my interest in technology
comes from an early age with video games and curiosity about how computers work.

I grew up with the evolution of computers, smartphones and the internet, in 2008 I started a web design technologist course at the University of Braz Cubas in Mogi das Cruzes - Sp - Brazil, I studied for two years and graduated in 2010. But I never played the role for which I prepared myself, I worked in several different areas.

In 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic, when we had time to think about all the things we wanted to change in our lives, I saw that my professional area really is technology and web development, I've been doing training and updating myself on the market.

Now more prepared, I'm looking at my first opportunity, I'm creating this Land Page where it will contain my Portfolio and all my professional updates.

I talked a little about myself, about my interest in technology when it started and how I got here now looking for my first opportunity. If you want to know more about me, add me on Linkedin, Github and follow my projects.

foto Felipe
